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- Report from the Principals
- Learning Spotlight - Primary
- Learning Spotlight - Secondary
Captains Report - Secondary

- Defence News
- Community News
- Religious Education
- Upcoming Events 

Growing our Restorative School Culture
We have noticed students’ use of mobile phones and other personal communication devices while at school is of increasing interest for students, parents, carers and the broader community. The ACT Education Directorate is working through a redesign of system policies in relation to phones in schools. Community consultation has now closed and a report based on the feedback is now in development. A discussion paper regarding the review is available via this link. Discussion Paper: Mobile Phones in Schools

This fortnight we continue to prioritise growing our restorative school culture and embedding whole school processes to maintain a focus on learning. We have noticed phones in classrooms are on the rise! Staff will be supporting students to ensure our school guidelines are being followed by applying our learning from our recent Real School session in which priming language and affective statements were the focus. 
Carnival of Carnivals: A Day of Joy, Unity, and Triumph at Amaroo School
On the 20th of October, the grounds of Amaroo School transformed into a vibrant oasis of excitement, camaraderie, and joy. The much-anticipated Carnival of Carnivals burst into life, uniting students across all year levels from 7-10 in a spirited competition for the coveted Carnival of Carnival’s Cup. With a dazzling array of sports, games, and trivia on offer, the day was an exhilarating celebration of school spirit, teamwork, and most importantly—participation.

The keyword for the day was undoubtedly "participation." Whether it was Year 7 students taking their first foray into the Carnival of Carnivals or Year 10s showing the younger kids how it's done, everyone got involved. Teachers, too, played their part, both as enthusiastic organisers and spirited participants. Each house was a cacophony of laughter, cheers, and supportive chants, creating an environment where every student felt encouraged to join in, irrespective of their skill level.

In the end, while only one house could take home the coveted Carnival Cup, the day left no doubt that the real winner was school spirit. The Carnival of Carnivals was more than just a day of games and competition; it was a celebration of the unity, diversity, and community that make Amaroo School a special place to learn and grow.
Year 4 Camp
It was a sunny morning as we all boarded the buses for our much-anticipated Year 4 Camp! Camp Warrambui provided unforgettable adventures, incredible learning opportunities, and a chance for the Year 4 students to make lasting memories with their classmates. Here's a sneak peek into what we got up to…

After the buses left Amaroo, we headed to the picturesque Warrambui Conference and Retreat Centre, nestled in the heart of the beautiful wilderness. Surrounded by dense forest and engaging play areas, it was the perfect setting for outdoor exploration and team bonding. Activities included bush art, bush walking, team initiatives, frisbee golf and obstacle courses. We had a Year 4 movie night complete with sleeping bags and pillows before heading off to bed.  Upon waking, we had a communal breakfast, packed up and set off for the day to complete our activities.  

Camp Warrambui created life-long memories for all involved. It was a fantastic opportunity for all students to connect, grow, learn, and have an absolute blast. It was wonderful to witness the smiles on their faces as they embarked on their adventure! 

A huge thank you to the staff who gave up their time to give our students this wonderful experience.
Work Experience Program (WEX) 
Emily S recently completed a Work Experience Connection Program which was a collaboration between the AFP and non-profit organisation Women in ICT (WIC). The program gives young women and gender diverse students in Canberra the opportunity to undertake work experience in a variety of ICT roles. The students spent a week at the AFP learning the ropes in cybersecurity, applications delivery, information management and infrastructure, all areas that strongly influence what the AFP delivers. 

The students had the opportunity to meet women thriving in their IT careers.  They were able to see first-hand how technology enabled business areas when they toured the Canine facility and learnt how the AFP developed Anubis System was used to manage the dogs and at ACT Policing when they had a demonstration on how the CAD system supports operations.  The students also enjoyed a STEM focused afternoon at Forensics.

Congratulations to Emily for representing our school brilliantly. 
2024 Leavers Form
If your child is not returning to Amaroo School in 2024, please click the link to complete this Leavers Form. This will assist the school in planning for the coming year including class placements and staffing. 
Think U Know
As parents and carers, you play an important role in protecting your child from harm.

The ‘Think U Know’ program aims to support parents and carers in preventing and managing safety challenges that your child may face, as well as guiding your child to understand these and feel empowered to take action.

To help you do this, resources are available online including fact sheets, home learning and family activities.  Last week, we hosted a successful parent presentation for our community. Thank you to all who gave up time away from families to attend.  If you would like to know more, you can explore the Think U Know website:
Australian Mathematics Competition
The Australian Maths Trust has invited two of our Amaroo Primary students to join them in celebrating their achievements in the 2023 Australian Mathematics Competition.  

These students have received High Distinctions in their assessments:
Ahnaf B (Year 6)
Jiwoo S(Year 4)

Congratulations Ahnaf and Jiwoo! Well done on your achievements. We look forward to celebrating with you at the ACT awards ceremony!

ACT Public Education Awards - New Educator of the Year
The Public Education Awards were held last week and we are delighted to have one of our wonderful nominees recognised. Karen Walsh was awarded New Educator of the Year! The award is hugely deserved and great recognition of Karen’s dedication to teaching. 
We had a wonderful morning sharing stories and morning tea on Monday with our Grandfriends. We had the biggest turn out we have ever seen! It was lovely to see so many children, Grandparents and special friends sharing stories together. Thank you to ACT Children’s Week & our generous Amaroo  P & C committee for funding the morning tea. Thank you to all of our Grandparents and special friends who were able to visit our school.

Buddy Bench
The Primary SRC are so excited that our amazing new Buddy Benches have arrived! Thank you to Mr. Angelo Cerullo of Canberra Contractors for their generous donation enabling us to buy two benches - one for the early childhood playground and one for the upper primary promenade. The benches were a project that the SRC students voted for and fundraised through different activities including the Container Deposit Scheme recycling drink containers with the 10c recycling symbol. They brighten the playground area and give students a place to sit if they are looking for a friend to play with at break times.

Rebecca, Ed and  Nic

Year 5
In Year 5, we have been learning about Democracy within Australia. We have been looking into the roles and responsibilities of our government, how laws are made and our democratic values. This has all been leading up to our Year 6 School Captain and PBL Prefect elections coming up later in Term 4. 
As part of our Inquiry, the Year 5 cohort attended an excursion to Parliament House on Friday of week 1. The students arrived at 12:15, where they had a nice lunch break on the grass areas outside Parliament House. At 1:00, the students were taken on a tour of the building. The students were taken through the main areas of Parliament House including the House of Representatives and the Senate where they had the opportunity to learn about what happens in each of the rooms and the links to the Australian Landscape embedded within each room. Students asked inquisitive questions of our tour guides and participated in a mock debate based around how debates occur within our Parliament. Throughout the whole excursion the students consistently demonstrated our PBL values at all times.

The secondary school’s improvement plan is focussed on writing. Writing is an important skill, we write to communicate, express an idea and document information. We write to persuade, reflect and entertain. In Ms Gill’s year 8 English class we have been participating in “Quick Writes”. Quick writes are low stakes writing, they are quick fun activities that encourage students to respond to a prompt, explore an idea, warm up our brains and get us ready to tackle the big concepts in our learning. 

Here are some examples:

Describing the colour blue without using the word blue.

It's the colour of my eyes, the same as the sea and the same as the sky. The colours that varies from red to violet, and the colour that falls when the sky turns grey

When the sky is happy. I feel the colour is happy and it reflects on my feelings. Whenever I am happy and the sky is happy. If I am sad then the sky would be sad because the sky above is having the worst day and the clouds would turn dark and rain would start to fall. 

It's the colour of the deep sea, it's the colour of their eyes. It's a colour of sad and loneliness, it's the colour of my veins, the colour of the sky where planes fly. 

This colour is vibrant and the colour of the ocean. Its colour can be found within nature, such as the light of day. It can be described as calm and serene. This colour can be associated with trustworthiness and reliability. It is calm and nice, like the sound of water makes you feel relaxed. Its colour is in the sky and can be dark or light. This colour can also mean sadness.

If the number 2 was a person, what would they be like?

If the number 2 was a person they would be a quiet and subdued person, they would be calm and quiet. If the number 2 was a person they would be intelligent and overachieving but not ambitious enough to aim for 1st. If the number 2 was a person they would be inquisitive and kind. If the number two was a person they would be lonely and feel used always the backup friend, always the second option.

The number 2 will feel worthless because the other bigger numbers will make him feel like his less, I feel like their favourite colour would be something dark cos they always feel down so I think their colour would be grey, His best friend a number 10 is someone called Max is a nice guy Max always tells number 2 that it's not what it always seems and tries to make him feel better. 

Hi Amaroo School, 
This week has been a busy week for high school students! Year 9 has chosen their 2024 captains, Nara University students are attending Amaroo school today, Year 10 are halfway through their last term and so much more!

Today is Multicultural Day, and there are many exciting activities planned to celebrate. We hope everyone enjoyed the assembly this morning, especially getting to see the Multicultural Day parade, and everyone’s amazing outfits!  At B1 there were many stores set up around the school, and there was a variety of great products for students to buy. During the day, we also got the opportunity to host the Nara University School students, and students from the Year 9/10 French and Japanese classes, and us as School Captains, got the chance to buddy up and spend the day learning about a different culture whilst sharing our own. We have really enjoyed this experience, and if you can we definitely recommend attending the Nara Candle Festival where the Nara students are performing. 

Speaking of performing, on Wednesday week 2, Year 9 and 10 Amaroo dance students participated in the Dance Festival, where the theme was ‘Bread and Circuses’. They performed at the Canberra Theatre, alongside other schools across Canberra. It was so great to see all these students come together and put on an amazing show. Congratulations to everyone who was involved!

On Friday week 2, the High School Carnival of Carnivals was held. All students were given the opportunity to participate in a series of fun house versus house activities, including capture the flag, competitive sport games, leisure games, and trivia. As the last carnival of the year, it was a great day for students to work with their peers and engage in physical activity! Thanks to everyone who came and took part in this awesome day!

With more sports news, our Amaroo Oz Tag team recently participated in the inter school Oz Tag competition and they played extremely well! We hope that everyone enjoyed the day and we look forward to future competitions!

As School Captains, we have been working to implement paper recycling bins into all classrooms in the secondary school. We have recently received these bins and are working towards getting them into the classrooms. Keep an eye out for further instructions for the use of these paper recycling bins, and we look forward to helping Amaroo become a more environmentally friendly school!

In more exciting news, earlier this week our Year 9 cohort voted on their 2024 senior school captains! We’re looking forward to working with the newly elected captains and helping them to transition into their new roles!

Just a reminder for all Year 10s and their families that next Thursday on the 9th of November, Year 10 students who handed in their notes will be receiving their meningococcal vaccines. 

Hope you’re all enjoying your last term of 2023, and remember to keep an eye out for our next secondary captain’s report as the 2024 School Captains will be assisting us!

Sabina, Archer, Sarah, and Hester.
Defence Club will be selling poppies, badges, scarves and wrist bands next week in preparation for Remembrance Day.  All proceeds will go to the local RSL."
Religious Education Programs

As part of the Australian Curriculum ACT Public Schools offer religious education programs that parents and carers can choose to register their children in.   In Term 4 Christian education will experience a ‘journey’ to Bethlehem to discover all that happened on the very first Christmas.
To register for the Christian Education program in school or the Islamic Education program please complete the registration/permission forms included in the buttons below.
Defence News
Community News
Religious Education Programs
As always, please contact the Principals; Rebecca Turner, Ed Cuthbertson, Nicole Graham, or the
Deputy Principals: Prue Gill, Jodene O'Malley, Matt Gowen, Rebecca Tobler 
to clarify any issue of concern to you. 

The whole school team at Amaroo School is committed to working with our community to ensure our students have the very best opportunities to learn.


Monday 6 November 2023
*  Year 5 Camp
*  Secondary Girls Basketball

Tuesday 7 November 2023
*  Year 5 Camp
*  Preschool to Kindergarten transition visit

Wednesday 8 November 2023
*  Year 5 Camp

Thursday 9 November 2023 
*  Year 5 Camp
*  Year 10 immunisations 
*  Preschool to Kindergarten transition visit
*  2024 Kindergarten Information session

Friday 10 November 2023
*  Whole school assembly - Remembrance day


Tuesday 14 November 2023

*  Preschool to kindergarten transition visit

Wednesday 15 November 2023 
*  Year 6 Camp
*  Year 10 Graduation Practice

Thursday 16 November 2023
*  Year 6 Camp
*  Preschool to kindergarten transition visit
*  Senior Drama & Dance Excursion

Friday 17 November 2023 
*  Year 6 Camp
*  Primary Assembly
*  Primary Diamond - Dream cricket excursion
School Board
Board Chair - Tran Tran
Parent Board Reps -  Nadia Swanepoel 
                           and  Charmaine Vearing
Staff Reps - Ainsley Sims and
                    Mika Rummukainen 
Student Reps - Rachelle and Jenna

President - Emma Harley
Vice President - Cristina Holman
Secretary - Stephanie Parry
Treasurer - Katrina Stathis
Public Officer - Katrina Stathis
Katherine Avenue
Ph: (02) 61421266

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